Release Roadmap

Planned release schedule and associated research activities

The following table is for general planning purposes only. It is subject to changes in both scope and schedule - please refer back here for latest schedule at any time.

CaVa Roadmap
Release High-level scope Status Source Data
Cava 0.1 alpha Fully ICDO3 mapped cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy administration records, ECOG status and death (unlinked) For release April 30th, 2021 SWSLHD MOSAIQ
Cava 0.2 beta Compile cancer diagnostic records into episodes, identifying primary and recurrent diagnoses. Oral chemotherapy map from notes. Mid 2021 SWSLHD MOSAIQ, SESLHD ARIA
Cava 1.0 Linked outcome and surgical data from HIE, compile treatment records into regimens, incorporate eviQ protocols as baseline for treatment variation End 2021 SWSLHD MOSAIQ, SESLHD ARIA, HIE


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


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